Welcome to Dynamite Roleplay V2.0.

About Dynamite RolePlay Welcome to Dynamite RolePlay V2.0. 
We would like to introduce you to our new community name, called Dynamite Roleplay V2.0. Dynamite Roleplay V2.0 is a Gaming Community. The server that we will have is a Garry's Mod server that we will provide for you, we might add another games server if our community is populated well. The donation would be also nice to keep our community up so that, we can improve our server system and another server that you may be waiting for... Come as Friends, Stay as Family we hope yall Enjoy. Dynamite Roleplay was founded on 12/05/2017 and the server, the name was called DJ-RP that has been changed to Dynamite Roleplay but since it didn't went well again. We have the Same name but added a version 2.0.. Dynamite Roleplay V2.0, is a small community that takes place with International Staff and Members.

Updates Community name changed:
DJ-RP - (OFFLINE, No longer available)

Dynamite Roleplay ( Shutdown, OFFLINE)
Dynamite Roleplay V2.0. (CURRENT)

© 2017 - 19 Dynamite | Dynamite RP | Dynamite Roleplay. DRPV2 | Dynamite Roleplay V2.0. |  All rights reserved.